For my dear students!!!

" Always life is wonderful ............. enjoy it!!!

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014


The floors are polished, the desks are clean, the pencils are sharpened, and teachers everywhere are beginning a new year.  As educators, we have a huge responsibility to our students as well as to the parents who have entrusted their children to us.  Whether you’re a rookie or a veteran, there will be days that it feels like you’re trying to push a peanut up a mountain.  And there will be days that you feel every effort goes unnoticed.  

Many teachers will tell you that education can be one of the most challenging and exhausting jobs. But most will also admit that teaching is one of the most rewarding professions on the planet.  The key is teaching with passion and purpose. 

Here is a list of the top ten things every teacher should remember to keep your passion for teaching alive and well.  

1. Don’t sweat the small stuff. 

Not every battle is worth fighting and you won’t win the all anyway.  Stay focused on the big picture and the little people.  Learn how to disregard all of the noise.

2. Don’t ever lose your sense of humor. 

Never underestimate the power of humor.  Real learning doesn’t have to be serious.   Laughter, smiles, fun, and serious learning can all coexist in the same classroom.  

3. School is a safe haven. 

For some kids, your classroom could be the safest place they will be all day. Always be kind, and remember that many may be fighting grown-up battles that you know nothing about. 

4. One size does not fit all. 

Each child that sits in your classroom has unique talents, gifts, strengths, and challenges.  They just discover them at different times and in different ways. 

5. We are all creative. 

Creativity is just nurtured and demonstrated in different ways.  Make it your mission to discover the creative genius inside each child. 

6. You are someone’s reason to smile. 

Smile at your students every day and make the time to acknowledge the smiles you get in return.  A simple smile doesn’t cost a thing and it can change someone’s entire day. 

7. Be flexible. 

No matter how much you prepare, there will be days that nothing seems to go according to plan.  Take a breath, regroup, and find plan B.  There is always plan B.

8. You are a teacher of many things. 

Standards guide our instruction, but some of the most important things you’ll teach your students have nothing to do with them.  They will also learn about character, dignity, compassion, and responsibility from your modeling, and they will carry this learning with them throughout their lives.  

9. Attitude is everything. 

People may hear what you say, but your attitude will be much louder than your voice.  A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts and outcomes.  It can be the catalyst for creating extraordinary results. 

10. Remember why you chose to become a teacher. 

You have one of the most important jobs on the planet.  When you feel overwhelmed by the long list of things to do or the inevitable challenges, take a step back and remember why you are in that classroom. 

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