For my dear students!!!

" Always life is wonderful ............. enjoy it!!!

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014


My body........



Jaime is a boy. Jaime lives in a house. Jaime lives in the country. Jaime lives in a house in the country. Jaime has a dog. The dog is named Go-Go. Jaime and Go-Go are friends. Jaime and Go-Go are bored. They want to do something new. They want to do something fun. They want to do something exciting.  Jaime and Go-Go walk out of the house . They walk across the yard. They walk across the field. They jump over the fence. The fence is on the other side of the field. Jaime sees a mountain. The mountain is very tall. The top of the mountain is in the clouds. Jaime looks at the mountain.  "We are going to the top of that mountain," Jaime says.  Go-Go looks nervous. "Don't be nervous," Jaime says. Go-Go runs after Jaime. They walk toward the mountain. Jaime stops. He looks back at the house.  "I am a little tired," Jaime says to Go-Go. Go-Go licks Jaime’s face. Jaime turns around. "Come on, Go-Go. We will climb the mountain tomorrow," Jaime says. Jaime starts to walk home. Go-Go runs after Jaime .

Traslate the text in your notebook.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

GRAN BAZAR!!! 18 DE MAYO 2014.

En nuestra institucion educativa, realizaremos un bazar, donde podras disfrutar de comidas tipicas de nuestra region, No olviden participar en nuestro bazar, aqui y en muchas actividades mas es cuando apoyamos a nuestro colegio.

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

Read the text and translate it!!! Grade third and forth.

How the plants eat...

Plants need sunlight and water to make their own food. You can do an experiment to test if this is true. Place a bucket over a patch of green grass. After a few days, lift the bucket.

You will see that the grass is not as green anymore. If you leave the bucket in place for a week, the grass will become very dull. This happens because the grass cannot make food in the dark. Remove the bucket. In a few days, the grass will start turning green again.

What is the main idea of this passage?

LISTEN AND PRACTICE THE CONVERSATION # 2 !! Grade third and forth.

The animals

A: Do animals talk to each other?
B: Of course they talk to each other.
A: What do they talk about?
B: They talk about other animals.
A: What else do they talk about?
B: They talk about food and
the weather.
A: Do they talk about us?
B: Of course they talk about us.
A: What do they say about us?
B: They say that we are funny-looking.
A: Ha! We're not funny-looking; animals are funny-looking.
B: We're funny-looking because we wear clothes.